Are you pregnant and suffering from aches, pains or cramps?

Pregnancy is an exciting stage, but one that can bring its own set of challenges to your body.  Pain during pregnancy can be debilitating, which can in turn, cause increased severity of symptoms.

If you are struggling with any pain or discomfort during your pregnancy, Physit are here to help.  Contact us on 07714244438 or email at to set up your initial consultation.

During pregnancy, back pain is the most common complaint. Other complaints are, lower and upper limb painmuscle cramps and neuropathies (nerve disruption causing, tingling, unusual sensations, numbness or pain).

50% of women suffer from lower back pain or pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy and 25% continue to have pain 1 year after delivery.

Pregnant women may experience a disruption to their sleep patterns, social and sexual life, work capacity and an increase in psychological stress.

It is therefore unsurprising that pregnant women suffering from lower back pain or pelvic girdle pain are less likely to exercise regularly during pregnancy.

What are the reasons for higher prevalence of back pain during pregnancy?

There are numerous reasons you may develop pain during your pregnancy. These include:

  • Fatigue
  • Increased joint mobility due to hormonal changes in collagen.
  • Weight gain
  • Pressure from the weight of the foetus.
  • Increased weight load on the spine and a change in posture.

Lower back and pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy is debilitating and often associated with disability, reduced quality of life and a higher prevalence of sick leave.

What can I do?

Exercise has been shown to decrease symptom severity when initiated prenatally and less effect when initiated during pregnancy.

A curated and consistent exercise plan can be effective in improving fitness, overall wellbeing and decreasing the risk of developing pregnancy related complications.

Hands on manual therapy with a Physit Physiotherapist can help those in pain and worried about exercising.

We will do an initial assessment followed by an individualised treatment which will give you the confidence to move before advising exercises to further help decrease your pain and improve your symptoms.

Manual therapy and exercise can offer a cost effective, self-management option for expectant mothers as part of a multimodal approach to decreasing your symptom severity.

If you would like to achieve all this from the comfort of your own home, please get in touch via the website, or on 07714244438 to start your Physit journey.